Slow the Summer Sprint: Make Time for Spontaneous Fun & Share It With the Tribe! by Mary Pat King

Slow the Summer Sprint: Make Time for Spontaneous Fun & Share It With the Tribe!

There it is: 2017-2018 finish line.

A few days until we end the race of “to do's” like scout patches, softball snacks, school events, science projects and more. So much more it takes a two-month wall calendar with a coding system only this mom can understand to keep us straight. (You've got one, too? Thought so.)

Summer stares at us with so much desire for spontaneity. She seeks a slower pace. She strolls in hoping to soothe our minds from our own senseless pace. Welcome summer, we’ve been craving you. But before we can sink ourselves into her splendor, we spike summer into a frenzy. Like fools, we fill her free time with camps, sports, summer learning, mini trips, long-trips, work trips, then…


“Time flies,” we say. “Make it slow down,” we beg. But still, we sustain our speed. We sign up for more. We say yes again. Before we know it, fall blasts off into full gear and here we go again. The next start line: 2018-2019 school year. Our minds scream “STOP.” But we can't stop time. We can only slow down our pace. We can: 

  • Resist routine. Smear the plans. Shut down the schedule. 
  • Embrace missing out. Say, “Sorry, not this time.” Support others who say the same. 
  • Seize summer’s rejuvenating possibilities. Splash her with a mix of spectacular memories and soothing relief. Give spontaneous fun center stage. Squeeze in the rest.

Down the road, our hearts won’t ache for double-booked nights when dinner looks like a bento box of finger foods that don’t stink up the car. Our hearts will ache for their snuggles, their stories, their silliness – none of which we can predict, nor chart on a two-month wall calendar.

We can do this. Let’s savor what’s uniquely “ours” this summer. Let’s slow our pace to soak in spontaneous fun and re-energize for the next mile in this marathon called parenthood.

Join me in the 30Seconds #SpontaneousFun club. Let’s inspire and encourage each other this summer. Tag or tweet @30Seconds and use #SpontaneousFun to share your photos and tips for impromptu family fun.

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Elisa Schmitz
"But we can't stop time. We can only slow down our pace." TRUTH! I absolutely love this, Mary Pat King . This time of year is so hectic, and we look forward to summer, only to fill it up. I am with you on bringing back spontaneity and finding joy in the every day. Challenge accepted, thank you!! :-) #SpontaneousFun
Mary Pat King
I look forward to seeing your pics of #spontaneousfun! I'm making this my theme for my blogs the next few months! :) Accountability! LOL
Mike Prochaska
I love this!! This the point of summer
Mary Pat King
I totally agree. I'm taking two weeks off with my kids and besides being away from home - the slate is blank. I plan to keep it that way until we have all the possibilities of fun in front of us. They've never experienced two weeks of -- whatever we want. We're doing it.
Kimberly Chu
This is the best!! And I just love your writing!
Mary Pat King
Thank you! I really enjoy your writing too! Especially since we have so much in common right now on our life path!
Kandice Cole
I love this! Definitely taking this advice for the upcoming summer!

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