Let Me Google That: Here's Why Sometimes Google Is Good for Your Health by Samantha Martin

Family Health
6 years ago

Let Me Google That: Here's Why Sometimes Google Is Good for Your Health

Self-diagnosing on the internet is a web of craziness, and that is not what I am recommending. But reviewing your test results and searching for what they mean online can be really helpful.

I recently went for an annual checkup. We ran a panel of blood work to see how everything was working, and to my surprise, my doctor called me to say that my TSH levels were elevated and that he ran another test that confirmed that I have hypothyroidism. I was surprised, but it made sense of how I have been feeling, so I was glad to have an answer and to start medication.

A few weeks later, I looked at the other test he ran: TPO levels. Mine were elevated. Through some online research I found that this test is what is used to diagnose Hashimoto's disease, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. So, I messaged my doctor inquiring about what I had found and he confirmed that I have Hashimoto's.

Think about that. If I had never done my own research I would never had known I have an autoimmune disease. I would have never found out how to properly care for the chronic illness that I have. Sometimes, Googling your health is a good thing.

Review your labs and ask questions.

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Donna John
Yes!!! It is so important to be your own advocate. Last year, I was reading over cat scan results of mine, and read about thyroid nodules found. Nothing had been said to me. I talked to my doctor about it and ended up seeing an endocrinologist. Sometimes things are overlooked, or one doctor thinks the other will handle it. We need to look out for ourselves. And yes, I have googled lab results! So sorry to hear about your illness, Samantha Martin . Take care of yourself.
Elisa Schmitz
OMG, such a great point. We have to be vigilant about reading the results of tests and researching and asking questions. So glad you did this, Samantha Martin . Hope your condition can be kept under control. Sending good thoughts your way!

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